RFS vs APOEL Match Report

RFS beat Cypriot club APOEL in a vital 2-1 victory in the first leg of the UEFA Europa League playoffs at the LNK Sporta Parks. It is the forth ever victory for RFS in the Europa League.

Adam Markhiyev & Jānis Ikaunieks celebrate the second goal!
Image Source: RFS X page

13 minutes into the match, the visitors had a huge opportunity to take the lead as Cameroonian keeper Farbice Ondoa was off his line. APOEL took advantage of that and got the ball in the penalty box for Xavi Quintillà who's shot was saved by Albanian defender Herdi Prenga whom headed the ball away from danger. In the 31st minute the hosts took the lead as Jānis Ikaunieks passed to Cedric Kouadio who was one on one with APEOL keeper Vid Belec and chipped the ball over him to make it 1-0. Just a minute before half time, RFS were awarded a penalty after Lasha Dvali blocked Ismael Diomande's shot. Before the penalty shot, Belec was playing mind games with Ikaunieks and pointed him to where to shoot the penalty shot. Ikaunieks shot in the direction Belec was pointing to but he jumped the other way. A massive goal for RFS just before half time as Ikaunieks is having the game of his life.

Cedric Kouadio chips the ball past Vid Belec.
Image Source: RFS X page

Six minutes into the second half, the Cypriot side are back in the game as Žiga Lipušček's header back fired and went behind him for Moroccan forward Youssef El-Arabi to head the ball past Ondoa which made it 2-1. In the 75th minute the hosts nearly doubled the lead again as Mateo Sušić failed to clear the ball in the box giving Victor Osuagwu a shot from close range however, it went straight at Belec. In the first minute of injury time the visitors nearly tied the game as El-Arabi did a through ball to Marius Corbu who's shot was saved by Ondoa which was a huge relief for the RFS fans.

Sergio Tejera has a shot on goal
Image Source: APOEL X page

RFS manager Viktors Morozs stated that he was proud of the players and added that, “The first minutes were difficult and it was important to adapt to the rhythm and quality. We did it well, but the opponent had one chance in the first minutes. Of course, a great night, a great victory. There could have been a different result, but in general I think it was a fair and natural result”. The Latvian club go into 2nd leg in Nicosia with a 2-1 advantage before next Thursday’s fixture.


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